Junior Front-End Developer

Oleksandr Siryi

We cann't control wind or rain and other forces of nature. But we can control our sails by setting them so that the wind drives our boat in the right way.


  1. ........... [JavaScript, HTML, CSS]
  2. https://github.com/Siryi-Oleksandr ................ [Git, GitHub]
  3. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/ .............. [ Resources for developers ]

Work Experience

Junior QA Engineer | Freelance

May 2022 - July 2022

  • Practical experience in testing of web and mobile application.
  • Experience in creation QA artifacts: Test Plans, Test Cases, Check Lists, Bug Reports.
  • API testing using Jmeter, Postman.

Construction engineer | JSC "Ukrainian Railways"

Oct 2012 - May 2022

  • Creation of an acts of defects on the basis of which an estimate is developed.
  • Analysis and verification of the construction estimate and its requirements.
  • Inspection and acceptance of completed construction works according to the estimated documentation.

Aircraft Construction Engineer | JSC "Motor Sich", "Aviakon"

Aug 2009 - Oct 2012

  • Creation of design documentation.
  • Support for the modernization of helicopter systems.
  • Implementation of technologies for replacing individual nodes in the repair process.


National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"

Aircraft construction

Sep 2003 - Feb 2009

Project management

Sep 2008 - Jun 2009